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Buyers Guide: Benefits of Dog Steps

white and brown long hair dog sitting on couch with stairs

Author: Ramp Champ | Published: | Updated:

If you have a dog, chances are they like to jump on your favourite recliner, the sofa, or your bed at night. Then again, some dogs, especially the very small ones, find it more difficult to jump up on furniture. Some dogs have a hard time jumping because they are older and suffers from arthritis. We tell, you dog steps can be of great assistance to your dog.

So what are dog steps?

Dog steps are a short series of steps for your little friends. They normally reach the top stair level with the top of the seating area of the sofa. Dog steps come in a variety of materials like plastic, wood, and metal. They should be covered with a soft material to make it soft under the dog's foot when landing.

What’s in it for my 'lil friend?

If your dog is small, it is not a good idea for he or she to jump high distances because they can hurt their backs and end up with pain later when they are older. If not they’d end up breaking their bones or worse their necks. Dogs, like humans when they injure a joint at an early age can later develop arthritis. So a dog stairs become an excellent way for you to provide your dog with a comfortable step-up.

Also, many pet owners have dog steps in more than one area of the home to prevent you from having to move the stairs from one location to another. There are many colours of dog stairs in which to choose from so that it matches perfectly with your room theme.

Lastly, when you are away from your home, you can be sure that your dog will use the stairs to climb on to get to his or her favourite piece of furniture instead of jumping to their death! Actually, most dogs take to the pet stairs with very little training and enjoy it because it is easier than jumping.

Check out and you can very conveniently place an online order for pet ramps, and we’ll help you choose the best ramp for your dog which comes with manufacturer’s warranty!

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