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Wheelchair Or Wheel chair? It’s Important To Get This Right

Wheelchair in blue background

Author: Ramp Champ | Published: | Updated:

 “Wheelchair” Or “Wheel chair”, Which Is Correct?

Can you spell wheelchair correctly?

Many people have trouble spelling “wheelchair,” which is understandable considering it's one of those words that trips people up.

So, how do you spell “wheelchair”? Is it one word, or two? 

laptop showing a Google search boxThe space between words may seem like a small detail, but it can actually be an important one.

Don't get us wrong. 

We're not grammar snobs! We're just here to help you get the answers you need.

We believe that knowing how to spell the word "wheelchair" correctly is important because it will help you get more relevant search results, especially when looking for something as important as a wheelchair ramp.

The truth is, we're all guilty of typing words without checking their proper spelling. And sometimes when we're in a hurry to get quick answers, we just type in words and wait for Google to give us results that are relevant to what it thinks we meant to say.

Or maybe we’ve been spelling it the way we thought it should. Just like “wheelchair”. 

Actually, the spelling of this word can vary according to sources and preferences, but sources including Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary use "wheelchair." In this case, it's "W-H-E-E-L-C-H-A-I-R" without a space between "wheel" and "chair."

But, what’s the difference? 

Wheelchair Vs. Wheel Chair, What’s The Difference?

While a wheelchair is a device specifically designed for people with mobility issues, the term wheel chair is an alternate spelling of wheelchair. That’s right, you may also see it spelt wheel chair (with a space in between words), but it will still have the same meaning.

Some people mistakenly believe that “wheelchair” is the only correct spelling of this word, but the fact is that both are acceptable and it simply depends on your location. Interestingly, In the U.S., it's usually written as one word, “wheelchair”; but in Canada, it's written as two words, “wheel chair”. Here in Australia, we most commonly write it as one word, “wheelchair”.

Does It Matter If You Spell “Wheelchair” As One Word Or Two? 

Actually, regardless of whether you spell it "wheelchair" or "wheel chair", the ever-reliable genius of Google’s crawling ability will give you the same results for both. But note that Google might also suggest spelling corrections so that you can see more accurate and helpful search results.

Hopefully, this clears up the great "wheelchair vs wheel chair" debate (they're both correct, so feel free to use whichever spelling you prefer). But to put things in perspective, out of a total of one million Google search results for these two terms, over 100,000 alone point to queries about wheelchair ramps

And for any wheelchair ramp queries you may have, please don’t hesitate to call us on 1300 913 047 or email us at You may also fill out our online form and one of our friendly customer service representatives will get back to you. 

We Want To Hear From You 

Please drop us a line if you find this article helpful or share this with your family or friends.

Need to contact a disability aid store near you? Check out our page of The Best Wheelchair Provider in Australia and there you’ll find a list of prominent disability aids stores categorised by state. 

2 minute read

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